VO Programme Points System
Points required for CVQ certification
There are 154* points available in SSNT’s Vessel Operations CVQ programme. Students must get a minimum of 107 points to qualify for the Vessel Operations CVQ (Level 3) certificate.
Increasing points
Students can increase points by:
Retaking online exams to get better results
Completing more exercises and completing whole exercises in the coastal navigation workbooks
Completing more exercises and completing whole exercises in the taskbook
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Students can apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for the Boatmaster Beginner phase. Students with combinations of the following:
A working (6 months seagoing time proven) seafarer holding a valid Boatmaster 2 or Boatmaster 3 licence from the maritime administration
A working (6 months seagoing time proven) seafarer holding a valid Able Bodied Seafarer Deck licence or a proficiency in survival craft licence from the maritime administration
Core VO online units (19 pts)
Students must achieve 70% in all the MCQ tests to get the points.
Coastal Navigation Workbook 1 (5 pts)
Coastal Navigation Workbook 1 is assessed coursework and the completed workbook must be submitted as portfolio evidence.
5 points - the student has correctly completed 90% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
4 points - the student has correctly completed 70% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
3 points - the student has correctly completed 50% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
2 points - the student has correctly completed 50% of more than half the exercises in the workbook.
1point - the student has correctly completed 50% of more than half the exercises in the workbook.
Boatmasters Guide to Navigating Caribbean Coasts
The text book is not directly assessed but must be studied for the Core and Final assessments.
Trainee Onboard Task Book
The task book is not directly assessed but must be completed for the Final assessments and submitted as part of your portfolio.
Core Assessments (15 pts)
Written Assessment
The written Core assessment is: 3 hours, invigilated, in an exam room. Students answer 170 MCQs and must achieve as follows:
Oral Assessment
Seamanship projects
The seamanship projects are not directly assessed but must be completed for the Final assessments and submitted as part of your portfolio.
Advanced VO online units (16 pts)
Students must achieve 70% in all the MCQ tests to get the points.
Coastal Navigation Workbook 2 (5 pts)
Coastal Navigation Workbook 2 is assessed coursework and the completed workbook must be submitted as portfolio evidence.
5 points - the student has correctly completed 90% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
4 points - the student has correctly completed 70% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
3 points - the student has correctly completed 50% of each and every exercise in the workbook.
2 points - the student has correctly completed 50% of more than half the exercises in the workbook.
1point - the student has correctly completed 50% of more than half the exercises in the workbook.
Final Assessments (94 pts)
Written Assessment (10 pts)
The final written assessment is: 3 hours, invigilated, in an exam room. Students must be prepared to recreate diagrams and do stability calculations. The final written assessment is based on the Advanced VO online lessons and the Seamanship project. Points are awarded as follows:
Oral Assessment (36 pts)
The final oral assessment has the following units grouped together and done after the final written assessment (above) and the Trainee Onboard Task Book are completed. The final oral assessment is a single 60 minute oral assessment. Points are awarded as follows:
Practical Observation Assessments (48 pts)
These practical assessments can be completed individually when the relevant section of the Trainee Onboard Task Book is completed. There is an accompanying 10 minute oral assessment at the end of each practical assessment. Points are awarded as follows:
These oral assessments are completed individually when the relevant section of the Trainee Onboard Task Book is completed. These are the accompanying 10 minute oral assessment at the end of each practical assessment. Points are awarded as follows:
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